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When people discuss the irresponsible blending of magic, technology, and the natural order of things, the uplifted raccoon is one of the first examples brought to mind. Despite their reputation throughout the Pact Worlds, these canny survivors have forced their way into mainstream existence and seem to be here to stay.
Ability Modifiers see below
Hit Points 2
Size and Type
Uplifted raccoons are Small magical beasts.
Uplifted raccoons have a climb speed of 20 feet.
Fuzzy Or Bald
Some uplifted raccoons have natural luxurious pelts, while others are remain pink and hairless. All uplifted raccoons are quick and adept (+2 Dexterity at character creation) but physically frail (-2 Strength at character creation). Raccoons with fur are generally more popular with other sentient species (+2 Charisma at character creation), while the furless variety rely more on their natural instincts (+2 Wisdom at character creation).
Limited Augmentation
The only augmentations that can be installed in an uplifted raccoon’s brain are datajacks and the mechanic’s custom rig.
Limited Telepathy
Uplifted raccoons have limited telepathy with a range of 30 feet.
Uplifted raccoons can see up to 60 feet in the dark. See page 263 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook for more information.
Dainty Hands
Uplifted raccoons have a +2 racial bonus to Engineering and Sleight of Hand checks.
Trash Panda
Uplifted raccoons are able and willing to eat anything and everything. Uplifted raccoons gain a +10 bonus to Survival checks made to live off the land.
Uplifted raccoons have a land speed of 40 feet.
Vital Stats
Average Height 0.8-1.5 ft.
Average Weight 20-50 lbs.
Age of Maturity 7 years
Maximum Age 60+1d20 years
While the origin of uplifted raccoons is lost to the Gap, apocryphal tales attribute their existence to depraved scientific experiments, misguided xenodruidic magic, or unintended side effects of technomagical radiation upon the species. Uplifted raccoons are thankfully rare, though their influence is growing due to a remarkable public relations campaign undertaken by the species.
Uplifted raccoons already naturally had nimble hands with opposable thumbs - what they truly gained was humanoid intelligence and capacity for mischief. They retain the raccoons agility and dexterity, making them excellent scouts and thieves. Uplifted raccoons have persistent natures and the ability to communicate via telepathy, which makes them a constant literal voice in the back of the head when they have an opinion, concern, or lesson they feel they must impart. Even the tallest uplifted raccoon is only 1 foot tall at the shoulder when on all fours, but they often react violently when their small size is mentioned. An adult raccoon weighs 20 pounds. These modifications and traits are genetic and can be passed down by mating pairs of uplifted raccoons.
Their knack for scavenge and living off of what’s available makes them canny engineers and explorers, though many of the species are perfectly happy living in the junkyard districts of metropolises, many never leaving their planet’s orbit. Amongst well-travelled space explorers, the raccoons have a reputation for a certain undisciplined mechanical genius and a knack for surviving and even thriving in the most unfavorable of circumstances.
Uplifted raccoons are sometimes rumored to be particularly mischievous, but their personalities are as varied as those of any sapient species. Some uplifted raccoons embrace this stereotype when they interact with other species, robbing those who express anti-raccoon or -uplifted rhetoric and sabotaging their equipment. Rumor has it that practically every crime organization in the Pact Worlds and beyond can lay claim to at least one uplifted raccoon somewhere in their ranks.
Small communities of uplifted raccoons can be found in the Pact Worlds, especially on the fringes of urban areas. Raccoons drift from settlement to settlement when they find themselves in disagreement with others of their kind, creating a surprisingly uniform culture flowing between disparate settlements.
Uplifted raccoons share a camaraderie with ysoki but distrust any animal or animal-like humanoid that could conceivably dine on raccoon. They relate well to lashuntas, though they resent any comparison to Castrovel’s native squoxes. Vesk view them with a strange fondness, remarking that they are “like skittermanders with clear malice.”
While some activists have made attempts to rally uplifted raccoons to unify and claim a home planet, divides between urban raccoons and those who wish for a return to a more natural state of living has thus far rendered such attempts fruitless.