Wednesday, December 25, 2019


The great claws glisten wetly beneath the stars. Hot crimson flows endlessly down razored edges and drips softly to the porcelain snow. A dark wet circle spreads around armoured feet and a river of steam rises into the cold night. The only sounds are the rhythmic thrum of deep breathing and the gentle clattering of thousands upon thousands of teeth.

Scarlett Claws appears as a giant vesk warrior standing 10 feet tall with emerald green scales, crisscrossed by scars from millennia of battles. She is clad in ancient but immaculate plate armour stained a deep rust red. Around her neck she wears a multilayered necklace of stained and chipped ivory teeth that cascade down her breastplate like a pale wave. Her appearance is dominated by her namesake claws and the spikes that extend from her tail. They are always thickly coated in hot blood that never dries and falls from them in unending droplets. The blood paints her armour and marks her footsteps in scarlet.

She wields a deadly flanged doshko of terrifying size and carries guns big enough to destroy a squad of soldiers. Finally, she is wrapped in bandoliers of grenades and strings extra explosives from her tail spikes like baubles; in her opinion, you can never have too many options.

An immortal agent of Damoritosh, Scarlett Claws appears magically in the cold dark places on the outskirts of vesk settlements when the winter nights are longest and fresh snow lies thickly on the ground. She stands in the freezing shadows on a spreading pool of blood, waiting for challengers.

In the old half-remembered tales of Veskmas she was once a fierce mortal obsessed with challenging herself against greater and greater foes. She is said to have died in furious battle against overwhelming odds, her weapons broken, fighting only with teeth and claws, all the while screaming out to Damoritosh in pain and joy. The god was so impressed by her strength of will that it made her a herald and a saint for the vesk people. Her divine mandate is to remind the vesk people that Damoritosh does not care how far they have come, only that they continue to fight against stronger and stronger foes.

Scarlett Claws seeks to challenge young vesk to achieve greatness through combat. She rewards those brave enough to face her, and strong enough to survive, with gifts of weapons and armour.

She matches the strength of her blows to the abilities of her challengers, for Scarlett Claws knows that not all vesk are equal fighters and she values courage and strength of will above physical might. She is always a very difficult foe but she does not wantonly kill those too young to have yet tempered their courage with good judgement. Young vesk who lose to her will retreat with new bruises and damaged pride. Older vesk will face a much more lethal experience, for both Damoritosh and Scarlett Claws believe there is no reward without risk. Elder vesk who know that their time is close may challenge her alone in order that their final moments be filled with battle and fury instead of a slow ignoble decline. One part of the legend hints that such a sacrifice is looked upon favorably by Damoritash and that an extraordinary challenger who wins in suicidal single combat may actually replace her as herald. Debate rages as to whether she has ever been replaced, or if the mantle of Scarlett Claws simply changes any victor into the monolithic herald of The Conqueror.

The only other desire that can be attributed to her is adding to her necklace of teeth. She only adds a tooth if it falls from a challenger who shows exceptional skill or courage and it matters not if the challenger survives the fight. She has fought millions of combats in her timeless existence and it is telling that her necklace is not much larger. Only the very very best are worthy and so losing a tooth to Scarlett Claws can be considered a greater honor than defeating her. Very occasionally, tiny vesk children who are knocked unconscious in their challenge, come around with a new gap in their smile, a gift of new armour and a note telling them to be a little more careful next time… just a little. Such occurrences are the stuff of legends and signify that the child has the potential for greatness.

Traditionally Veskmas is a celebration held in the dead of winter on Vesk Prime. A practical people, vesk typically adopt whatever winter festival is present on the worlds they conquer or occupy and re-label it for their own use; thus Scarlett Claws appears wherever and whenever vesk celebrate Veskmas, a silent call to arms for those who would be strong.  In the wilderness, she might appear by remote standing stones, or deep in frozen forests. Near smaller communities, she will be on the outskirts, away from warmth and safety. In urban environments, she will be found in the depths of the sewers or on the top of soon-to-be condemned buildings. In every case she will be far from random bypassers. One must always choose to seek Scarlett Claws, and your fight will be with her and her alone.

The longer she stands unchallenged in one place, the shorter her temper becomes. If the blood that pools beneath her ever completely covers the snow at her feet she becomes enraged at the cowardice of her people and will bring her challenge to them in fury. Once challenged, successfully or not, she remains for one or two more nights, then retreats to Damoritosh’s realm awaiting the next Veskmas.

Young vesk spend their Veskmas season creating plans with their friends to head into the dark and cold to hunt Scarlett Claws; for the few who can find and impress her, the gifts of armaments begin them upon storied careers as warriors and fighters. Many vesk who seek the outsider do so for the hope of valuable rewards, fame, and the pride of bringing battle to one of Damoritosh’s chosen. Sometimes, adventurers will be hired to try to stop a foolhardy challenger from actually making it to Scarlett Claws; if they’re too late, they may find themselves facing her themselves, as Scarlett Claws never turns away from a fight.

Scarlett Claws                      CR 18
XP 153,600
CN Large outsider (extraplanar)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +31
Aura ominous presence (60 ft., DC 23)

DEFENSE                              HP 375
EAC 32; KAC 34
Fort +19; Ref +19; Will +18

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Havoc (unique dimensional blade doshko) +33 (13d12+29 P) or
claws +33 (13d6+29 S)
Ranged Bedlam (unique paragon cluster launcher) +30 (explode [16d6, 30 ft.])
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Offensive abilities Damoritosh’s armory, chamber of gifts, holiday mercy, master of war, natural weapons, sanguine steps, Veskmas baubles

Before Combat Scarlett Claws stands waiting for PCs to initiate combat; if they approach within 60 feet, she will assume they are challenging her and immediately attack.

During Combat Scarlett Claws prefers to engage foes in melee with her doshko and claws, making combined full attacks where possible and throwing grenades at foes out of melee range. She teleports into range and punishes any foe who tries to attack from greater than 60 feet away. She uses her Holiday Mercy and Master of War abilities if enemies show great courage but are very young or low level. Scarlett Claws will ignore summoned creatures unless it is tactically sensible to address them and does not allow herself to get bogged down fighting insignificant cannon fodder. If the PCs show particular grit or unusually innovative tactics, she laughs deeply, appreciating the opponent’s fierce spirit - “Ho ho ho!”.

Morale Scarlett Claws fights until the battle is over - whether it is by her defeat or by her choice.

Str +11; Dex +8; Con +6; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +31, Athletics +36, Intimidate +31
Languages Truespeech
Gear Courage (unique vesk overplate V), Havoc (unique dimensional blade doshko), Bedlam (unique paragon cluster launcher), frag grenade VII, Incendiary grenade VI

Ominous Presence (Ex) Scarlett Claws's presence unsettles her foes. At the beginning of their turn opponents within 60 feet of her must succeed at a DC 23 Will save or be shaken for 1 round. Once an opponent has succeeded at its saving throw it is immune to Ominous Presence for 24 hours. This is an emotion, fear, mind-affecting, and sense-dependent effect.

Holiday Mercy (Su) As a free action Scarlett Claws may choose to make all damage she deals non-lethal (including bleed). This ability has a range of 60 ft.

Sanguine Steps (Su) Scarlett Claws may use teleport (as the spell) at will. This is primarily used to engage cowards who attack from extreme range. Using this ability provokes attacks of opportunity but is not interrupted by damage.

Veskmas Baubles (Ex) Scarlett Claws keeps some of her grenades hanging from her tail spikes. She may use her tail to throw a grenade as a standard action or as part of a full attack. A character may attempt to grab a grenade from her tail with an unarmed melee attack vs EAC. Damoritash magically replenishes her grenades as they are used.

Damoritosh’s Armory (Su) Scarlett Claws is proficient in all weapons and armor. As a move action, Scarlett Claws may draw any weapon from her null-space Chamber of Gifts.

Chamber of Gifts (Su) Scarlett Claws carries a magical unique null-space chamber with no bulk limit. Scarlett Claws treats any weapon drawn from the Chamber of Gifts as though it had the called weapon fusion. If Scarlett Claws is reduced to 0 hit points, her weapons and armor disappear. The Chamber of Gifts does not vanish when Scarlett Claws does; instead, the people who defeated Scarlett Claws find a bounty of tailor-selected weapons and armor within the null-space chamber (GM’s discretion). After the Chamber of Gifts has been examined, it disappears, disgorging anything left inside onto the ground.

Master of Warfare (Su) Scarlett Claws always provides her foes with a battle that tests her opponents to their absolute limits, while still providing the brave and the lucky with a narrow path to victory. As a free action, Scarlett Claws can adjust her strength, speed, and weaponry to be a more appropriate threat level, changing her attack bonus and damage dice for her attacks as though she were a CR of her choice. Scarlett Claws typically presents herself as an epic encounter (CR+3) compared to the APL of her challengers.

Saturday, November 30, 2019


Any adventurer worth their salt has that one story - that one perfect moment where they said the exact right thing at the exact right time, devastating their foes, rallying their allies, and winning the heart or similar emotional organ of whichever compatible creature was nearby. For a select few adventurers, it’s not just one story: it’s a career of legend and infamy, of perfect one-liners and impeccable coolness - at least to hear them tell it.


Theme Knowledge (1st)

The act of being a badass often means knowing just enough to shake your opponent’s confidence, so you’ve learned to read people quickly and accurately - the better to cut them down to size with a quick turn of phrase. Reduce the DC of Sense Motive checks by 5, and gain a +2 bonus when making a Sense Motive check against an opposed Bluff check. Intimidate is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Intimidate checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.

Quick Retort (6th)

You’re never lost for words, and can always come up with a cutting remark in order to put a foe in their place - a trait that can make you unsettling to face in battle. As a reaction after you score a critical hit or have a critical hit scored against you, you can make an Intimidate check to demoralize the creature that you hit or that hit you.


Impossible Poise (12th)
When your back is against the wall, you’re at your most dangerous, and you make sure your opponents know it. As a reaction when you take hit point damage, you can make an Intimidate check to demoralize against all foes within 30 feet. Roll once and compare the results to each foe’s demoralize DC.  Once used, you cannot use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.

Turning Point (18th)

When your foes start to have a bad day, that’s when you feel like you’re living your best life. Up to twice a day, when you successfully demoralize a foe with an Intimidate check, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Looking like lightning in an emaciated humanoid form, the only indication of this creature's undead provenance is the baleful electric blue eyes that seem to bore straight through the target of the creature's ire.

When dealing with relatives or older colleagues using new technology, the panicked declaration “it’s like it has a mind of its own!” is an all-too-common refrain. While most domestic instances are simply a matter of user error and ignorance, adventurers know that in extreme cases, the same signs of technological malfunction may be signs of an electrogeist inhabiting the device.

Electrogeists are powerful undead creatures that form when a learned magic user or technologist’s corporeal being is destroyed while attempting a great technological feat - deliberately so or not. Documented cases of electrogeist creation include failures to successfully transfer memories into a digital consciousness, such as when something goes catastrophically awry in uploading oneself into an artificial intelligence, or when a flaw in the design of a technological device results in the death of the inventor. The amount of intelligence that it requires to be reborn as an electrogeist means that many of the spirits were formerly technomancers or mechanics, though intelligent mystics have been recorded.

Somewhere between a spirit and data, electrogeists are able to inhabit both physical and digital spaces with equal adroitness, allowing them to surprise, confound, and terrify the living - all the better to inflict pain and panic upon the corporeal forms that the electrogeists resent and despise.

Held together by will and spite, electrogeists take on forms of pure electric current and retain the electromechanical knowledge they possessed during life. These talents combined allows them to freely enter and inhabit digital technology. During this age of increasing interconnectivity, this ability makes them particularly dangerous, as they are able to upload themselves as raw data into one machine and emerge from a networked device miles away. Electrogeists may remain undetected for months within a computer system, stalking their targets through the network and waiting for them to be alone before springing an ambush, then retreating back into the network, leaving what looks like a tragic electrical accident in their wake.

Electrogeists can be found in nearly any technologically-advanced societies, though they seem especially prevalent in cultures where technological advancement is divorced from ethical concerns and safety considerations. Their intelligence and technomagical powers make them dangerous and difficult to destroy; a canny electrogeist can live for centuries, if it is able to control it’s violent urges. Particularly evil electrogeists take a perverse pleasure in clandestinely assisting unwitting inventors and engineers to create ever more interconnected societal constructs, the better to bring entire civilizations toppling into death and chaos through the electrogeists’ sabotage of the systems that it helped create.

Though reports of electrogeists in the service of the Corpse Fleet have yet to be publicly verified, the Stewards appear to be taking even the threat of these cyber-saboteurs seriously, investing heavily in cybersecurity personnel in order to protect Pact Worlds territory.

Electrogeist CR 11

XP 12,800
CN Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., blindsight (electricity) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +20

HP 155

EAC 23; KAC 24
Fort +12; Ref +10; Will +14
Immunities Undead immunities, electricity


Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Melee claws +17 (3d4+11 E)
Ranged crackling bolt +19 (2d8+11 E)
Offensive abilities breath weapon (60 ft line, 12d6 electricity damage, DC 20, usable every 1d4 rounds)
Spells Known (CL 11th; ranged +19)
4th (3/day) - overload systems (DC 22), digital doorway
3rd (6/day) - arcing surge (DC 21), discharge (DC 21), handy junkbot, synaptic pulse (DC 21)
2nd (at will) - inject nanobots (DC 20), microbot assault


Str +0; Dex +5; Con -; Int +8; Wis +3; Cha +0
Skills Computers +25, Engineering +25, Stealth +20
Languages Common, 8 others; shortwave 100 ft.
Other abilities incorporeal, unliving


Blindsight (Ex) Electrogeists are so attuned to electricity that they are able to sense the bioelectricity of living things and electronic constructs. Electrogeists gain blindsense (electricity) out to a range of 60 feet; this typically allows them to detect living creatures and constructs with the (technological) trait. At the GM’s discretion, some creatures may not have bioelectricity and thus would not be detected by this blindsight - assuming they aren’t wearing any electronic gear.

Shortwave (Ex) An electrogeist can communicate wirelessly. This acts as telepathy, but only with other creatures with this ability or constructs with the technological subtype.

Inhabit System (Ex) An electrogeist that has made a Computers check to gain root access to a functioning computer can enter the computer as a move, gaining full comprehension of any data that it contains and having full control over any systems managed by the computer. While inhabiting a computer, the electrogeist can be detected with a successful Computers check opposed by the electrogeist’s Computers check. On a success, the PC can identify that something inside the computer is within the computer writing its own code in real time; on a failure, the PCs mistake the electrogeist for a virus or a bug. An electrogeist can remain in a computer indefinitely. If a computer is given the broken condition, the electrogeist can exit the computer into any adjacent space as an immediate action; otherwise, the electrogeist is trapped in the damaged computer, though if the computer and data is not destroyed, the electrogeist can emerge in the event that the computer is ever repaired. An electrogeist that has root access to multiple networked computers can move between them as a swift action.

Monday, September 30, 2019


Haunting the servers and nodes of the Pact Words, the cunning infosphere troll is a vile creature of brutish cruelty. Though less physically impressive than their technically challenged kin, they share the touchstone violent nature of most trolls. The infosphere troll focuses its innate temper into assaults on decency, antagonizing foes through deeply intense personal taunts, often to the point of provoking a vicious response.
Many infosphere trolls have channeled their talents into a lucrative career, organizing into covert cells to run smear campaigns against their assigned targets. Their seemingly supernatural empathic abilities lend them a cruel empathy, allowing them to infer exactly what to say to maximize emotional damage to their marks. But don’t confuse this understanding of the emotions of others as true empathy - infosphere trolls experience no remorse, only glee, in delivering their callous words. 
Cunning enough to realize that their verbal attacks often provoke their targets to track them down, infosphere trolls have been known to form loose gangs of a variety of types of troll, seeking shelter and protection from their larger brethren. When they sense an attack coming, infosphere trolls have been known to stage ambushes against their victims, taking the choicest gear for themselves to sell on the black market. Still others, considered a more devious sub-type, work with unscrupulous attorneys to provoke their victims to the point where they post a “clear and present danger” to the trolls, then sue their agitated victims for exorbitant amounts of credits, all the while defending their antagonizing rhetoric as “just a joke” or “free speech.”

Infosphere Troll
CR 5

XP 1,600
Giant envoy
CE Large humanoid (giant)
Init +2; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +16

HP 65 RP 4

EAC 17; KAC 18
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +8
Defensive abilities regeneration 5 (acid or fire)


Speed 30 ft.
Melee advanced sword cane +12 (1d4+5 P; critical bleed 1d4)
Ranged sheet lightning pistol +10 (1d6+5 E)


Str +0; Dex +2; Con +0; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +5
Skills Bluff +16, Computers +16, Culture +11, Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +16, Perception +16, Sense Motive +16, Stealth +11
Languages Common
Other abilities envoy improvisations (get ‘em, quick dispiriting taunt)
Gear business stationwear, advanced sword cane, sheet lightning pistol, tier 2 software Imp, datapad


Infosphere Taunting (Ex) Infosphere trolls are gifted antagonists and provocateurs, and often use their computer skills to find out what insults will most upset an intended target and bully them well before meeting face-to-face. If a creature has a presence on local infospheres (professional contacts, vid channels, social media accounts, etc.), an infosphere troll can use the intimidate skill to attempt to demoralize a creature through those social media accounts. If the infosphere troll succeeds, the creature is not demoralized; instead, an infosphere troll can reference the previous insult to a creature within 60 feet as a swift action. The foe is off-target and takes a –2 penalty to all skill checks for 1 round, or until it makes an attack against you, forces you to attempt a saving throw, or damages you (whichever comes first). Once an infosphere troll has used infosphere taunts on a foe, that foe is immune to this ability for 24 hours. This is a language-dependent ability.

Friday, August 30, 2019


There were no artistically-inclined skittermanders available (or perhaps willing) to help with this rendering, so our poor social media internmander Ken had to knock this juvenile rendering during his lunch break.

No species in the Pact Worlds has managed to earn the fame and notoriety enjoyed by the Skittermanders of Vesk-3. These furry, “helpful” six-armed creatures have rocketed into the cultural zeitgeist in recent years as the residents of the Veskarium began exploring the Pact Worlds. To the annoyance of many vesk, skittermanders have become the unofficial mascot of the Veskarium, a development that has both alarmed xenoanthropologists and delighted their helpful, if apathetic, new friends.

One of the most confusing aspects of the skittermanders’ rapid ascent to celebrity status is the loose collective of skittermander enthusiasts who have dedicated their lives to emulating the species’ trademark frenzied helpfulness in their own lives - often to the chagrin of their friends and families.

Theme Knowledge (1st)

You have read all you can find about skittermanders - biology, history, psychology, and everything in between. Reduce the DC of Culture or Life Science checks to recall knowledge about Vesk-3 or skittermanders by 5. Diplomacy is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.

Making Nu-friends (6th)

Your persistent cheerfulness makes it easy for you to make friends and influence people. You can spend twice the normal amount of time when using Diplomacy to change a creature’s attitude. If you do, you may roll twice and take the better result.

Helping Hands (12th)

You possess a preternatural ability to provide aid to your allies at a dizzying pace. As a swift action, you can use the aid another, covering fire, or harrying fire actions; you cannot benefit from the aid another or harrying fire actions yourself. Once used, you cannot use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.

You’re Helping! (18th)

There is nearly nothing that energizes you as much as providing assistance to your friends and allies. Up to twice a day, when you use the aid another action and the check succeeds, you regain 1 Resolve Point.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


The Chauncey's renkroda is staring intently at the photographer's lighting stand; immediately after this photo, the renkroda shorted out the photographer's environmental protections and absconded with the light in the confusion.

Castrovel is famous for its unique wildlife and global commitment to conservation, due in large part to the number of colorful and ferocious endemic species that call the jungle planet home. One of the most memorable species lives on the rainforest continent of Ukulam; a small, omnivorous dinosaur of exceptional beauty. Officially named Chauncey’s renkroda, but known colloquially as the jeweled renkroda, the names are interchangeable and vary depending on where you discuss the species. Recently discovered records revealed that the species was academically catalogued by a pre-Gap Golarian explorer who took the opportunity to name the species after himself. While pressure has steadily grown to re-nativize the species name, the academic community has yet to respond to the calls to action.

In pre-technological and traditionalist communities, jeweled renkroda have been kept as partially-tamed game animals for millennia, with the creatures serving as trash disposal, living decoration, and occasional meal. For their part, the renkrodas not only enjoy the plethora of food scraps left behind, but seem to revel in their role as (mostly) harmless tricksters - and villages and explorers alike provide a constant source of entertainment for the little dinosaurs.

One of this renkroda’s most unique characteristics is a bioelectrical aura that disrupts nearby technological devices. A jeweled renkroda can cause communication devices to spontaneously engage, energy pistols to randomly discharge, and any number of other electromechanical mishaps. The fearless (or clueless) creatures will often use this to their advantage, turning an unsuspecting adventurer’s camp into a maelstrom of technological chaos while the renkrodas abscond with food and shiny pieces of metal - frequently weapons, knives, or toolkits.

He smol, He purple, He stole Da earple

Across the continent, the omnivorous Jeweled Renkroda has adapted to fill almost every niche in the food chain, with some even serving as pollinators and seed-carriers for various plant life. While all jeweled renkrodas are opportunistic feeders, studies have shown that individuals have clear preferences for certain types of food, such as fruits, carrion, insects, or smaller vertebrates. Some of the most daring and aggressive creatures will flock together to hunt larger fauna, their camaraderie lasting only as long as it takes to bring down their quarry.

Their small size leaves them vulnerable to predation, and the jeweled renkroda is a favored mark for mid-sized predators and carnivorous flora. Though they are quick and canny, they are easily distracted by bright or colorful objects and will disregard their personal safety for the promise of such a prize. The jeweled renkroda’s most dangerous predator, a carnivorous fruit bush, has evolved to exploit this weakness, luring the creatures with low-hanging, brightly-colored fruit. The plant’s victim then falls into the acidic digestive pits that lie hidden beneath the tangle of roots.

Chauncey's Renkroda
CR 1

XP 400
CN Small animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
Aura bioelectrical aura (30 ft.)

HP 17

EAC 11; KAC 12
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +4
Resistances electricity 2


Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +6 (1d4+1 P)
Ranged static zap +4 (1d4+1 E)


Str +0; Dex +4; Con +0; Int -4; Wis +2; Cha +1
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +5, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +10, Survival +10


Bioelectrical Aura (Ex) Any technological device with an item level of 2 or less has a 25% chance of behaving erratically when within 30 feet of a Chauncey’s Renkroda. Roll a D4 on the following table to determine the effect.

Bioelectrical Aura Effect
The device gains an electrical charge; any creature touching the item takes 1d4+1 damage (Reflex save DC 12 for half damage).
The device overrides manual control. Weapons take a -2 penalty to attacks as they trigger independently; non-weapon items turn on and have effects based on GM discretion.
The device shorts out safety precautions; add 1d4 to any damage dealt by the item for one round. Double the amount of charges used for one round.
The device overloads; it doesn’t function for one round.

Alright, we promised some announcements for this month, so I guess we need to hold to that?

First off, those discerning eyes amongst you may have noticed that the accompanying art for this month’s blog post is, how shall we say it… way less “made with Paint and a pint of whiskey” than our usual visual tripe. That’s all thanks to the talented artistic rendering of Savannah Hensley! Savannah really captured the adorable mischievousness of the jeweled renkrodas, and we couldn’t be happier with the art she made for us. You can find more of her work @rockingyourstar on Instragram!

Of course, none of this wouldn’t have been done without our developer and editor taking the lead and getting us some art. That’s right - Starfinder Facts now has Natalie Kertzner officially providing our development and editing needs! Natalie is a local EverGM, an author with multiple Paizo Starfinder credits to her name, and is the founder of BeanCity Gaming, Inc., a non-profit organization hosting a new charity mini-convention in the Boston region this September. Her experience and creativity has been invaluable for us as we make plans for our next big project, while keeping the Starfinder Facts train a-rollin’!

Now, those of you who have been paying attention may have noticed that Starfinder Facts was working to produce our very own scenario, working under the Summer 2019 RPG Writer’s Workshop session. The nice thing about working under a series of escalating deadlines was the lovely whooshing sound they made as they flew by - but we still got a lot of content created, even if it isn’t quite ready for public consumption yet. We’re excited to announce that we’re currently creating a separate publishing entity, Bearly Factual Productions, in order to branch out from the Community Use projects that we’ve been producing and instead create commercial projects under the Open Game License, with our first scenario already underway!

“Oh no!,” you may gasp, “does this mean that I’m going to be paywalled away from the absurd content that I have come to rely upon and crave??” No, dear reader, that is not what this means - what it means is that we’ll be expanding the variety and scope of content that we’re creating in order to give ourselves (and the community!) more opportunities to grow our shared hobby. There’s some big plans in the works that we’re not ready to announce yet, but if you’re interested in seeing what we do when we aren’t making elaborate jokes with attached statblocks, please give us a follow at our OGL home - the newly announced Bearly Factual Productions! We look forward to providing even more Starfinder content for you all!

Sunday, June 30, 2019


Already the Mouse Drones are closing in on my location. “Parody is protected speech!” I futilely yell as I struggle against the brightly-colored manacles. The drones prepare to drag me off to the Reimagineering Complex for re-education on the Importance Of Intellectual Property.

Sometimes, you hire bounty hunters in order to get the job done. 
Sometimes you hire bounty hunters in order to send a message.
And sometimes, the bounty hunters will do both -  whether you want them to or not.

Staldorf and Watler are old hands at the bounty hunting game - in fact, they’re quite old, both in terms of human lifespan and in terms of still being bounty hunters. Known for their acerbic wit, the pair have spent many years hunting fugitives and wanted criminals, long after many bounty hunters have found themselves quiet retirements or shallow graves. Despite the rather handsome rewards their quarries often fetch, the real prize for Staldorf and Walter is in the banter that stems from the savage verbal roasting of their prisoner, both while in pursuit of them, and when the prisoner is stashed in the cargo hold on their return voyage. For this reason, they prefer to take their targets alive - after all, dead bounties are just not a good an audience for their witty wordplay.

In combat, Staldorf tends to hold enemies at bay with his surprisingly adept swoop hammer technique, while Watler taunts them and lays down fire with his rifle. The two old codgers often riff off of each other to lampoon their opponents, punctuating their mockery with hearty belly laughs.

Some taunts from the pair:

“Wait now - you wouldn’t hit an old geezer like me!”
“Nah - it’s that they couldn’t hit an old geezer like you!”

“Well, you look like a competent group of adventurers!”
“Just goes to show you how deceiving looks can be!”

“Your reputation’s given you a nice large bounty!”
“Good thing our client can’t see what a mess you are or they’d be lowering the price as we speak!”

“I think there’s something wrong with your laser!”
“Yeah - typically, they’re supposed to hurt when they hit!”

“Hey, great shot!”
“Well, a good shot.”
“I mean, it hit me.”
“But you’re still up!”
“That’s true, not a kill shot.”
“Basically a sunburn!”
“Might as well have missed!”
“What a terrible shot!”

CR 5

XP 1,600
Male human envoy
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses darkvision; Perception +17

HP 65 RP 4

EAC 17; KAC 18
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +8


Speed 30 ft.
Melee tactical swoop hammer +12 (1d10+5 B; critical knockdown)
Ranged wave modulator ii +10 (1d6+5 F OR So)


Str +0; Dex +2; Con +0; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +5
Feats Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency
Skills Bluff +17, Computers +12, Culture +12, Diplomacy +17, Intimidate +17, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, Stealth +12
Other abilities envoy improvisations (get ‘em, clever attack)
Gear business stationwear, tactical swoop hammer, wave modulator II

CR 5

XP 1,600
Male human envoy
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses darkvision; Perception +17

HP 65 RP 4

EAC 17; KAC 18
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +8


Speed 30 ft.
Melee medium sap +10 (1d6+5 B)
Ranged standard surgecaster +12 (1d10+5 E; critical arc 1d10)


Str +0; Dex +2; Con +0; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +5
Skills Bluff +17, Engineering +12, Intimidate +17, Medicine +12, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, Stealth +12
Feats Longarm Proficiency
Other abilities envoy improvisations (not in the face, quick dispiriting taunt)
Gear business stationwear, medium sap, standard surgecaster

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