Friday, May 31, 2019


Space goblins are famed, or perhaps infamous, for their accidental ingenuity - able to kitbash together working lasers out of bonding tape and capacitors, but unable to grasp the idea that a gun that blows up in your face is a bug, not a feature. Their starships are no exception; whether a ship is a junkyard scrapper that they’ve made barely spaceworthy or a hijacked vessel that has been “upgraded” to their chaotic specifications, goblin starships are always a paradoxical study in how something that shouldn’t fly, can fly - right up until the entire thing makes a horrendous space kablooey.

The modifications listed below are enhancements to starship systems, and while they’re originally goblin in origin, they are suitable for any makeshift ship designs, or for foolhardy engineers with more moxie than common sense. Each modification alters a system on a ship; you cannot apply a modification to ship that does not have the relevant system.

Scrap Armor: Goblins make their ship armor out of whatever they have at hand - or whatever they can quickly appropriate. While this makes their ships seem heavily armored for their price, the makeshift armor is quickly demolished by starship-grade weapons. Reduce the BP cost of scrap armor by the Mk of the armor plus the size modifier of the ship - this cannot reduce the cost of armor for the ship below 1. Each time a ship with scrap armor takes critical damage, reduce the ship’s armor bonus by 1 (minimum 0).

Volatile Thrusters: Goblins have a surprising knack for crafting thrusters with extra power, though their design philosophy tends to be “ignore all common-sense safety precautions.” Each round, before the helm phase, roll a d% to determine the effect of the thrusters for that round.*

The thrusters cut off and are disabled this round; the ship floats uncontrolled in its current direction of travel at a rate of half its speed.
Thrusters begin sputtering; reduce the ship’s speed by 1
Normal movement.
Burst of power from the thrusters - increase the ship’s speed by 1.
Surge of power - increase the ship’s speed by 2.
WOO-HOO! MAX POWER! Increase the ship’s speed by 3; reduce it’s manueverability by one step.

* Hate tables? An alternate rule: Increase the speed of a volatile thruster by 20% (minimum +1). When a pilot rolls a natural 1 on a piloting check, the thrusters are disabled and the ship floats uncontrolled in its current direction of travel at a rate of half its speed.

Scavenged Power Core: There’s a surprising number of things you can draw power from - if you’re willing to take some additional risks. Reduce the BP cost of a scavenged power core by 10% (minimum 1). Treat critical hit conditions against a scavenged power core as one step worse (glitching becomes malfunctioning; malfunctioning becomes wrecked).

Overcharged Power Core: Space goblins believe in power above all else - including self-preservation. Increase the PCU of an overcharged power core by 10%. If the power core is wrecked by critical hit effects, the power core overloads and explodes 1d4 rounds later, destroying the ship. A starship in a hex adjacent to a starship that explodes takes an amount of damage equal to half the destroyed starship’s maximum Hull Points; this damage can be mitigated by shields.