The galaxy is not a utopia. Throughout all known systems, there are hundreds of civilizations that are built on the back of injustices. Innocent people are abused, vulnerable people are marginalized, and the downtrodden are beaten by the society that should be protecting them. You have no interest in tolerating such wrongs, and you’re not content to stand by silently. You may always have been outspoken, but you have come to learn that your words are a powerful weapon: words that can carry truths that those who lead corrupt systems are afraid to hear.
Theme Knowledge (1st Level) You are extremely well versed in how many different cultures have moved over time and the grass-roots protests and political actions that have caused these changes. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about important socio-political movements and changes in cultural zeitgeists throughout documented history by 5. Intimidate is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to your Intimidate checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.
Motivational Speaker (6th Level) You recognize how draining, both physically and emotionally, the act of protesting can be for those who are taking part. You are a wellspring of motivation for others, encouraging them to push on through and keep fighting. Once per day, you may attempt an Diplomacy, Intimidate or Bluff skill check against a DC 14 to encourage a fatigued ally. If you pass the check, your ally is no longer fatigued.
Inspiring Anger (12th Level) The drive for positive change in society is born from years, perhaps centuries, of injustice, and your rage against the corrupt machine is a beacon to those around you. You inspire your allies onwards with your righteous anger, and cause your enemies to shrink back in shame at your biting words. When you aid another in any social-based skill check, the ally that you aid gains a +5 bonus rather than the usual +2. In addition,you reduce the difficulty of a skill check to demoralize a foe by 5, and may use either Diplomacy, Intimidate or Bluff when attempting to demoralize a foe.
March Onwards Together Until We Overcome! (18th Level) You are recognized throughout many systems for your fiery personality and uncompromising morals. Whether you are feared as a rabble-rousing troublemaker or looked up to as a leader for those who have been robbed of their voices and rights, you know the power of the right word at the right time to drive people onwards. Up to twice per day, when you spend 10 minutes performing an action that inspires your allies or makes a cautionary statement to your enemies, you can regain 1 Resolve Point. This action could be delivering a rousing speech or rallying cry, or helping others destroy a statue of a hated historical figure, or anything else appropriate at the GMs discretion.