Friday, July 31, 2020


Artist's rendering (possibly a child artist, or a very very very old artist who is losing their facilities) of a hooloovoo fabricator.

A long time ago, in a cluster of asteroids far far away, a suddenly-sentient hyper-intelligent shade of the color blue suddenly found itself asking the important questions: How can we exist? Why do we exist? Where shall we have lunch? Once the color realized that lunch was an unnecessary concept for an incorporeal shade of blue, the third question was discarded as irrelevant, and it proceeded to work on more present problems, like what exactly it was expected to do with all of this newfound self-awareness. The name it chose for itself is roughly translatable into Common as something like “hooloovoo.”

As the hooloovoo discovered the technological advancements of biological life, they found themselves particularly adept at technomancy and engineering, taking particularly to robotics as a means to manufacture their own corporeal forms. As a result, many people’s interactions with the hooloovoo are with mechanical shells designed by the hooloovoo for specific purposes, with technomantic prismatic interfaces embedded into the operating systems so that the hooloovoo exists within and pilots its mechanical body. The fragile construction of the prisms and their interface matrix make the suits dangerously vulnerable to excessive force, so many hooloovoo take combat-avoidant strategies to avoid critical damage to their prism. Both science and magic have been unable to answer the question of what happens to a hooloovoo when the prism is fully destroyed; mystics have yet to find any traces of hooloovoo in the River of Souls, which has raised a contentious debate as to whether or not the color has a soul or can truly die, an answer that even the hooloovoo’s intellect has been unable to answer.

Hooloovoo as a species tend to disconcert corporeal life forms, as many of the foundational philosophical ideas of corporeal cultures don’t apply to something that needs a freestanding prism to be interacted with. It remains unclear whether the hooloovoo are individuals with distinct memories and personalities, or some sort of vast unequally-dispersed organism, as hooloovoo often give contradicting answers to scientists and philosophers hoping to understand the strange intelligence of the color; possibly they find the resulting confusion entertaining, or they simply do not know the own answers about the mechanics of their existence.

Hooloovoo tend to position themselves in places of advanced technological achievement, often finding work as engineers or scientists thanks to their ability to comprehend information rapidly, inhabiting specialized data prisms in order to gain knowledge. While some paranoid theories suggest that the sentient color may be related to the menacing and deadly color out of space, no tangible links have been discovered, and the hooloovoo uniformly reject the notion as corporealist discrimination.

Hooloovoo Fabricator CR 6

XP 2,400

Genderless technological mechanic

CN Medium ooze (technological)

Init +3; Senses blindsight (vibration) 60 ft., sightless; Perception +13


EAC 18; KAC 19

Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7

Immunities Ooze immunities; Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, mechanical frame


Speed 30 ft.

Melee basic spined blade +12 (1d6+6 P; critical injection dc +2)

Ranged liquidator disintegrator pistol +14 (1d10+6 A) or

swagger handcannon +14 (1d12+6 P; critical knockdown)


Str +0; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +5; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills Computers +18, Culture +18, Engineering +18, Life Science +13, Medicine +18, Mysticism +13, Physical Science +18

Languages Aklo, Common

Other abilities artificial intelligence (exocortex), custom rig, mechanic tricks (visual data processor), overload, remote hack, target tracking, wireless hack

Gear elite stationwear, basic spined blade, liquidator disintegrator pistol, swagger handcannon Mechanical Frame (Ex) When a hooloovoo is in its mechanical frame, it loses the immunity to critical hits granted by its ooze immunities.


Hooloovoo Researcher                                                            CR 8

XP 4,800

Genderless technological technomancer

CN Medium ooze (technological)

Init +4; Senses blindsight (vibration) 60 ft., sightless; Perception +16


HP 105 RP 5

EAC 19; KAC 20

Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +11

Immunities Ooze immunities; Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, mechanical frame


Speed 30 ft.

Melee carbon staff +13 (1d8+8 B; critical knockdown)

Ranged wave modulator iii +15 (2d4+8 F OR So)

Offensive abilities cache capacitor 1, magic hacks (magic negation [DC 18], tech countermeasures), spell cache

Technomancer Spells Known (CL 8th; ranged +15)

3rd (3/day) - dispel magic, explosive blast (DC 20)

2nd (6/day) - caustic conversion, daze monster (DC 19), implant data, microbot assault

1st (at will) - comprehend languages (DC 18), magic missile


Str +0; Dex +4; Con +0; Int +6; Wis +2; Cha +0

Skills Computers +21, Engineering +21, Life Science +16, Mysticism +21, Physical Science +21

Languages Aklo, Common

Gear advanced lashunta tempweave, carbon staff, wave modulator III

Mechanical Frame (Ex) When a hooloovoo is in it's mechanical frame, it loses the immunity to critical hits granted by its ooze immunities.