I’ve been on Twitter for a damn long time now.
When I made my first account, it was to chase the trailheads back in the Alternate Reality Game days. I would text updates to 40404, coming back to my computer ages later. When I was living in a rented room without a working computer, I downloaded the Twitter app for XBox. I have made personal accounts, professional accounts, in-character accounts, joke accounts, gag accounts - 8 that I can remember but there's likely more lost to the interblags.
You could say that I’ve been around the timeline a few times.
The Starfinder Facts Twitter has always been a labor of love, but I’ve personally grown more and more skeptical of my use of social media. As a writer growing in my craft, I find myself spending more time than I want on consuming other people’s things, and I am making the choice to simplify so I can finish more things of substance for you all to enjoy.
I’m not deleting the Twitters; I built my side career on there and I don’t want to just give that up. I'll still update when events warrant, so that you can keep track of what I get up to out in the world, but I'm no longer doing the daily almost-lore that got us here. But if my refocus on my own creative energies can help make an insecure manchild with more money than God and less sense than a golf ball regret his decision to buy up my old hangout because I helped contribute to a couple of numbers dipping… I mean, that is what my character would do.
Furthermore, to keep having a connection to all you wonderful people, that means we’re going to reopen the Starfinder Facts blog for regular goodness.
So now that I’ve recipe-blogged you all…
Human Musk Creeper
Egads what a monstrous creature.
Human Musk Creeper CR 2
XP 600
CE Medium aberration
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
EAC 13; KAC 14
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +5
Weaknesses internet mockery
Speed 30 ft.
Melee harmonic shrieking knife +7 (1d4+2 So)
Ranged yellow star conqueror +9 (1d12+2 E&F; critical wound)
Str +0; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +4
Skills Bluff +12, Culture +7, Disguise +12, Intimidate +7, Profession (Con Artist) +12
Gear officer ceremonial plate, harmonic shrieking knife, yellow star conqueror
More Money Than Sense (Ex) A human musk creeper can get equipment equal to its level+2 by spending twice as many credits as the item costs. This overpayment does not generally bother the human musk creeper due to a family fortune in the trade of pretty, useless rocks.
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