Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

In this blog post, we're going to take you behind the scenes with the process behind our smash hit Starfinder Valentines. So strap yourselves in, disengage the airlocks, and let's take a quick tour!

We went back and forth between this caption and a milder "Do you want to star in my reality show?" caption. While we were initially worried about legal repercussions and, to a lesser degree, fan blowback (no one holds grudges longer than undead fanbases), the decision was ultimately made after a meeting with Zo! and his legal counsel. Zo! erred towards the raunchier line, saying it was "punchier" and ultimately funnier - so thanks for the help, Zo!


We settled on this non-romantic caption when our six-armed fact checkers found out that the two SROs featured in the photo were related - the smaller of the two actually built the larger of the two. The caption is still considered somewhat controversial on Aballon, as discussion around "the best" relies on subjective judgements, a big no-no around the hyper-logical artificial life forms.


This iconic photo was caught by a camera-laden drone during Strawberry Machine Cake's now-legendary concert at Songbird Station in 318 AG. Conspiracy theorists insist that the band's public display of support for the Starfinder Society at the concert is a clear-cut sign of reptoid involvement in both the Starfinders and in the upper echelons of the Pact Worlds' recording industry.


This photo features Tonkona, a veteran xenoarchaeologist within the Veskarium. The oversized relic he is displaying seems to be some primitive culture's attempt at an analog random number generator, though the purpose of such an item has yet to be determined.


After the initial outcry at the terrible tastelessness of this caption given recent encounters with the violent jinsul race, our legal team advised that all proceeds from sale of this card go to families of the victims of the Starfinder Society's disastrous expedition and subsequent rescue efforts in the Scoured Stars trinary system.


There isn't a lot of background here - morlamaws love oysters. Like... a lot.


We have already received a number of threats against Starfinder Facts for daring to defame the good name of the Hellknights, so we consider this one to be work well done.

To quote @LawNOrder666, "This is desgusting Hellknight slander and will not go unavenged! Real Hellknights would never give a valentimes card to followers of CHAOS and DISOBEYING THE LAW and no we do not sleep with DEVILS WE FIGHT THEM AND FIGHT LIKE THEM #NotAllHellknights #Asmodeus320"

So Starfinder Fact: Hellknights allegedly do not sleep with devils, but they apparently are a little lax on the laws of spelling and capitalization.


This card is, of course, a reference to the classic holovid Qabarat, a romance between two uplifted renkrodas displaced by lashunta-formian hostilities. Released in 242 AG, the film helped inspire a generation of anti-war activists on Castrovel. Tragically, the renkroda who played the role of Grick was put down after eating a number of studio visitors during a backlot tour and was not alive to receive any of the awards the movie won that year from the Academy of Holographic Video Arts and Sciences.


Finally, some much-deserved thanks and appreciation! 

First, a thank you to the multi-talented Natalie Kertzner, for starting this whole thing with the question "Can you help me think of some Jinsul pick-up lines?" and then volunteering her graphic design skills to upgrade the schlock we normally slap together.

Second, a thank you to all the Paizo staff and freelancers who put so much energy into making Starfinder such a fun, interesting campaign setting and campaign. We wouldn't love this game so much if it weren't for the amount of sheer love and talent that is clearly poured into every star and planet of this universe, so thank you for all of your contributions!

Third, and certainly not least, a special thank you for the fans! We wouldn't do this if it wasn't for all of you having at least as weird a sense of humor as us, so thanks for sticking around and liking what we do. We love all of you Starfinders out there reading this, and hope that you celebrate the day by spreading some #StarfinderLove to your families, friends, and crews.

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