Friday, February 14, 2020

Starfinder Valentines: 2020 Edition!

Ah, Valentine's Day - one of the cultural relics that managed to survive the Gap, possibly because it was so deeply embedded into the bones of AbadarCorp that they spontaneously began putting bows on anatomically-incorrect heart-shaped boxes mid-Calistril every year. Just like last year, we're here to treat you to the behind-the-scenes look at the making of these Valentines. Enjoy!
Orvoll here, one of the functionally-immortal shatori race, submitted us over 3000 different selfies in his application for a place on the coveted Valentine's roster, including a number of lewds that were discarded. Keep it PG-13, Orvoll! There are kids on the internet!

We asked First Seeker Elect Eh Hadif Ko'ra Amares of Clan Tolar to submit us a caption for his Valentine appearance. We took the first line of his submission, as we found the other 4 pages (in which he enumerates and codifies the rights and responsibilities of being one's Valentine) to be a little dry.

Thirty seconds after this picture was taken, both gifts had been thrown (still wrapped) into the fireplace, the goblin had gotten third-degree burns from trying to move a log by hand, and the skittermander was gone to the corner store for kerosene, "to help." The photographer did not survive.

 This picture was nearly pulled after researchers discovered that the picture was actually from an announcement of execution on a particularly aggressively-run utopian colony, but no one reads the blogs anyways or does the research themselves, so we figured we could get way with it.

Fire skeletons need love too - but their terrible grasp of consent often gets them into hot water. No means no, fire skeletons - and 12 seconds after this photo, Altronus informed them that Supernova Means Super-No.

Izalguuns' massive underarms, large and powerful enough to serve as legs but dextrous enough to also serve as arms, have given them a small but fervent following on select corners of the, ahem, Adult Infosphere.

No, this robot is not being made for a sex thing. Why does everyone immediately ask that question?
 The leaking of this photo immediately ignited the OboRaia shipping community, a subset of the already-insular group of Starfinder Society groupies who maintain complex theories on who within the Society is dating whom. When we asked the pair for clarification, Obozaya made a series of incredibly vesk-y threats and Raia turned our camera drone into a sparking pile of slag - so we can confidently say that the theories have not been debunked.

That's all folks! We here at Starfinder Facts hope you enjoy sharing these Valentines as much as we enjoyed making them. Spread some Starfinder affection, heavily utilize the #StarfinderLove hashtag, and have a day full of love and affection - starting from us to you! 💖